16 Dec 2024
An agile co-creation approach for designing a comprehensive
digital motor assessment test for Parkinson’s Disease patients
Read the latest publication from AI-PROGNOSIS, which introduces a new digital tool for assessing motor skills in Parkinson’s disease (PD) patients. The study focuses on the Comprehensive Motor Function Test (CMFT), developed through an agile co-creation process with Parkinson’s patients and experts.
Digital assessment tools have recently gained significance in the context of Parkinson’s Disease (PD) management by offering innovative means for accurate symptom monitoring. Co-creation approaches ensure these tools meet users’ needs and requirements, which are essential for their acceptance and broad use.
As part of the Horizon Europe AI-PROGNOSIS project, this study presents the results of an agile co-creation session conducted within an iterative design process to develop the CMFT.
The publication shares feedback from 15 participants, including PD patients and clinical/technical experts, covering usability, accessibility, and user engagement. This feedback will guide further improvements to ensure the CMFT meets the needs of both patients and clinicians.
Ongoing efforts within the AI-PROGNOSIS project will continue to refine this digital tool, with a focus on enhancing its usability and effectiveness for PD care.
You can read the full publication here: